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"Blackjack"   -   Peter Randall Kent

"Blackjack" - Peter Randall Kent


"Blackjack" Rare $650
This stunning work depicts the legendary Beaufighters of 30 Squadron led by Group Captain Brian "Blackjack" Walker on a typical Anti shipping operation in the Vitiaz Straight Northern New Guinea 1943 

The Bristol Beaufighter Mk IC was employed in many anti-shipping missions.

The most famous of these was the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, where they were used in a fire-suppression role in a mixed force with USAAF Douglas A-20 Boston and North American B-25 Mitchell bombers.

The No. 30 Squadron RAAF Beaufighters flew in at mast height to provide heavy suppressive fire for the waves of attacking bombers. The Japanese convoy, under the impression that they were under torpedo attack, made the tactical error of turning their ships towards the Beaufighters, which inflicted severe damage on the ships' anti-aircraft guns, bridges and crews during strafing runs with their four 20 mm nose cannons and six wing-mounted .303 in (7.7 mm) machine guns. The Japanese ships were left exposed to mast-height bombing and skip bombing attacks by the US medium bombers. Eight transports and four destroyers were sunk for the loss of five aircraft, including one Beaufighter. The role of the Beaufighters was recorded by the war correspondent and film-maker, Damien Parer, who flew standing behind the pilot of one of the No. 30 Squadron aircraft - from Wikipedia

This fine art print is signed by the artist and Group Captain Brian "Blackjack" Walker DSO
Only four copies available Rare 

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